Thursday, February 28, 2013

Keep Calm and Go To Great Britain

It started out like any other school day. I dragged myself out of bed, took a hot shower. Made breakfast without any major mishaps, which is a bit of an accomplishment in and of itself. Headed off to school. Sat through my first two classes and tried not to be too bored. Had lunch at the BSM and enjoyed the short message provided by the speaker. Aced my French test. My afternoon was pretty chill, too. Went shopping, wrote a paper, and blogged. After dinner, Ashley and I decided to watch Prince Caspian.

So the movie has just started and I scoop up my phone to check my Facebook notifications. Nothing too interesting... until I see a status my brother +Aaron Dean is tagged in saying he's going to Great Britain this summer! My first thought was "no way" accompanied by raised eyebrows and possibly an open mouth. My second was that I had always thought I would be the first kid in our family to leave the country. And my third... was that I was not going to be left behind. No way. So I immediately messaged him about it and a few minutes later I'm pausing the movie to announce to my mom and Ashley that Aaron is going to Britain... and I'm going too!


  1. And, you have a travel buddy! How great is that?

    1. I have two travel buddies! We're all super excited about it!

  2. This is so exciting! I'm sure you'll have a marvelous time. I've never been to Europe, but I hope to visit in the near future.

    1. Thanks! This will be my first trip out of the country and I'm very excited to be going!
