Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Week: Friends, Star Trek, and Drawing

I know, I know. My blog's been quiet this week. In my defense, I've kept fairly busy. With what, you may or may not be wondering? Much of the usual, such as CLEP studying, writing, and reading. But I had some fun new experiences this week as well!

Wednesday night I spent at my dear friends' the Durlings house. +Susannah and I enjoyed a delicious meal with her family and took a long walk in the rain before spending the evening watching the season finale of Supernatural. Thursday we rose not so bright and early for another walk and food (am I sensing a pattern here?) before heading to Dyno-rock Indoor Climbing Gym for our first adventure in rock climbing! We had a great time - Susannah was a natural and scaled several walls in no time. Between having shoes that were too tight and not being as strong and tough as she is, I didn't do as well, but I still had a great time. Definitely an experience we're repeating!

Yesterday I saw Star Trek Into Darkness with my dad and older brother Andrew. It was a great flick with superb acting; one I definitely recommend if you like a good sci-fi, whether or not you're a Trekkie - though I would suggest watching the 2009 movie first.

Today I've spent the majority of my day with my sketchpad on my lap and my pencils in my hand. Thursday evening Susannah drew some lovely fan art for me which I shall cherish forever - and which has inspired me to practice my drawing skills even more. I practiced an assortment of noses and eyes today, among other things. Shading is my weakness, as evident by those eyes, but I'll conquer it yet! Even though I have a long ways to go before I can consider myself a semi-decent artist, I do enjoy drawing.

So that's a brief assessment of my week. And tomorrow starts a brand new one!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the film myself. They did a great job casting each role. Hope there's another one.
