As the last day of classes has passed and finals have ended, I'm now free to enjoy summer! Historically I'm not a fan of this season of the year, partially because I detest warm weather, but for once I have been eagerly anticipating this. I'm enjoying the chance to break free of the tedious routine of each semester and move through each day freely. I have set several goals and intend to stay busy throughout these summer months.
The month of June should keep me particularly occupied. I'll be working on the UTA campus for two weeks at the beginning of June, followed immediately by being involved in my brother's wedding. Then it will be packing and heading out to Britain for 11 days with my older siblings. And once I get back, I'll be industriously scrapbooking and blogging about the trip.
Throughout May and July I intend to complete several goals. These include scholastic - passing two U.S History CLEPs - and fitness objectives. I have also committed to writing my first complete novel - approximately 100,000 words - throughout these months. I've worked on my novel in bits and pieces for ages, but I finally determined to sit down and write out a complete first draft. I'm extremely excited about this, and to be honest, quite interested to see how this first draft turns out.
Plus I'll stay busy with the norm - spending time with dear friends, learning new piano pieces, reading books (hoping to make it through at least a dozen this summer). And I'm going to step outside my comfort zone and try new things, such as going rock-wall climbing with my darling friend +Susannah in just a few weeks!
Why am I sharing this, you may ask? It seems to me that when I express my goals to others, they move beyond the nebulous stage of "I want" and into the firmer reality of "how can I?" There's a sense of accountability, perhaps responsibility that comes when other people know what you expect of yourself. So here I am, laying out my goals to further inspire myself to accomplish all my plans for the summer. And what a wonderful summer it's shaping up to be!
What about you? What are your goals for this summer? Maybe you'll be following the normal routine of work or school - and there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe, just maybe, you'll push yourself to try something new, to go on an adventure. Either way, make the most of this summer.
With all that to do, the summer will fly by! Along with it you'll have done some pretty impressive things, so, get going!