It's been a year and two days since I last posted on this blog. A lot has happened in that time. I finished another year at UT Arlington, which puts me halfway through school, found regular employment, traveled to the UK, attended several conferences and retreats, and have developed new relationships and grown so much spiritually.
I know the next year will hold many similar opportunities and lots of new experiences. Throughout it all, I hope to be more faithful in documenting my thoughts in my little corner of the internet. So I intend to return to this blog and write faithfully.
However, it may be next semester before that happens. As I write, I am sitting in a domestic violence shelter in Oklahoma. This shelter will be my home for the next two and a half months. I am here to help and minister to the women and children living in the shelter as God sees fit to use me. Throughout the summer, I will post regular updates at my mission blog, Hear Their Cry.
I will write again. This blog hasn't been abandoned!